
Maria Zimmerman
Maria was raised in Loudoun County Virginia where she served as a firefighter/EMT starting in 1992, and was eventually elected Rescue Chief of the Arcola/Pleasant Valley Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department. She earned a BA from the University of Virginia and an MS from The George Washington University and worked as a Physician Assistant in several emergency rooms before switching her specialty to surgery. She retired and moved to Clarke County in 2006 to raise a family in a more rural setting. She joined the John H. Enders Fire Company in 2014 and began running as an EMT again in 2015. Since that time Maria spends most of her free time volunteering, working in the garden, and raising dogs, cats, and chickens.

Joe McGlynn
Joe moved to Berryville in 2022 and obtained his EMT-B the next year. Joe holds a Masters of Healthcare Administration and is a healthcare consultant with over 12 years of experience in payment integrity, health insurance operations, and anti-fraud investigations. In his spare time, Joe enjoys running and singing in his church choir.

William Cleary
Bill has been a member of Enders for over 16 years and our Treasurer for 15 years. Bill has also served 6 years as our Fire Lieutenant. Prior to joining Enders, Bill was a member of Ashburn Volunteer Fire Company where he began his firefighter training with Firefighter 1, Firefighter 2, Hazmat Ops, EVOC, and Vehicle Extrication courses. Bill’s stepfather was a volunteer firefighter in southern California for over 40 years and Bill’s oldest son, Tommy, is a career Fire-Paramedic in Loudoun Co (Tommy began his fire service with Enders at the age of 16). Bill works as a Credit Manager for a local Heating Oil/Propane Co. Bill graduated from California State University, Fullerton, and then moved to Virginia. Bill is addicted to Lego and Disney World. Bill has been married to his wife, Debi, for over 30 years. They live in Berryville with their pet box turtle, Crush, who is addicted to strawberries.

JC Blaylock
Coming soon!

Allen Shenk
Assistant Chief
Allen joined Enders in 1982 with no prior Fire or Rescue experience, other than being with his father (who joined in 1960) on calls. His mother was also one of the founding members of the ladies’ auxiliary and noted all training was done in the house back then. Outside of the firehouse, Allen worked with horses his entire life, growing up on Main Street (Berryville). He now resides just 3 miles from the station and enjoys spending his free time fishing, boating, and riding Harley-Davidsons. Allen has an amazing fiance Debbie and two Jack Russell pups that are their kids.

Dan Ketcham
Fire Captain

Michael Crawford
Rescue Captain
Mike moved out to Berryville in May of 2017 and went to a community outreach touch-a-truck held at our local high school. It was then at age 50 he completed Firefighter I and II (2020), followed by an Emergency Medical Technician Certification program. Mike works full-time out of Sterling and is an avid motorcyclist, racing on and off-road. He has 4 kids with his very supportive wife, Tori, who joined alongside Mike in 2020, as an auxiliary member. He is extremely grateful for the opportunity he has had to meet new people at the firehouse and helping his community.

Phillip Thacker
Fire Lieutenant
Phil joined Enders in 2019 with prior firefighting/EMS background from Prince William County, VA. He started his volunteer fire/rescue path in 2002 in NOVA, working his way up through those department ranks to become a Special Operations Firefighter. He also was a contract Firefighter/EMT back in 2006 at Al Asad Air Base, Iraq. His family has a history of firefighters in it, one of which became one of the first paid firemen of Fairfax County back in the 1950s. Phil holds multiple certifications and is an Emergency Vehicle Technician who specializes in custom building of police and small fire rescue-related vehicles. Phil resides in Berryville with his wife, Kate. Outside of the department, he enjoys time on his small farm with his wife, visiting family, fishing, and spending time with their animals.

Gerald Boudreau II
Rescue Lieutenant & Safety Officer
Gerry joined in 2008, coming from Loudoun County where he served as the Assistant Fire Chief at Arcola Volunteer Fire Company. He previously ran out of Sterling Fire Company and before that Fairfax County Fire & Rescue where he also worked as a seasonal employee at the Fire Academy, as a Fire and EMT instructor. Gerry held an EMT Instructor license for 18 years. His firefighting career started in 1988 as a volunteer in Burke, Virginia for Burke Volunteer Fire Department. Gerry is certified in Fire Fighter 1, 2, 3, Instructor 1, 2, 3, (I transitioned to the new standard of Fire II and Instructor II.), Officer 1, Proboard Incident Safety Officer, Hazmat Technician, EMT-B, DPO. He holds a BS degree in Occupational Health and Safety Fire Science, an AAS in Electro-Mechanical Engineering is Board Certified Safety Professional through the BCSP, and a Certified Safety Manager through the World Safety Organization. Gerry is currently a contract employee for Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA) as the Aviation OCIP Risk Control Program Director.

Liam Sumption
Fire Sargent

Josh Pitts
Rescue Sargent
Coming Soon!
Board of Directors at Large

Ivan Armacost Jr.
Van joined the company in 1978 and currently has completed 43 years of active service as a Line Officer, President, BOD Member, FFI-Driver, EMT retired, and numerous Committee chairs. Van has lived in Berryville his entire life and resides in town with his wife Lisa. Van has vested a lot of time in the Company and is always willing to welcome new folks in and show them the ropes and help them get their feet wet. He currently works for a Defense Contractor in the Washington DC area. He enjoys riding his Harley Davidson cross country, golfing, and fishing while volunteering at Enders as much as time permits.

Chris Braithwaite
Chris joined Enders in 1982 and has served as a line officer and EMT. He has held a position on the Board of Directors for the past 19 years. Chris has lived in Clarke County his entire life with his wife Susan, two children, and three grandkids. He owns his own business, Braithwaite Construction, and enjoys fishing and riding his Harley Davidson when not lending a hand at the station.

Brian Rosenberry
Coming Soon!

Chris Shipe
Chris moved to Berryville in June of 2004 and joined Enders the very next month. Having started with the fire service in 1975 as part of the Millville Community Fire Company’s Juniors program, Chris knew that there was no better way to put down roots in his new community than joining an organization of others dedicated to helping their neighbors in times of need. Chris first became an EMT in 1978 and took his first fire training in 1979. Though his EMT certification has expired, his goal is to recertify in the near future. Chris is the President of Loudoun Mutual Insurance Company. Chris and his wife, Diane, live in Berryville with their two loving boxer dogs. You may recognize Chris as the guy driving the fire department pickup truck playing what appears to be ice cream truck music. We’re sorry to disappoint you that it’s not full of tasty frozen concoctions, but we’d like to think that the Tangley Calliope is a cool sweet treat for your ears.